HOW to AVOID being a gangrenous church

Pieter Smith

Pieter and his wife Bridget have been attending PNB from 2015 and became members of the church in February 2018. Pieter and Bridget have a baby girl born in 2019 after a long time of praying and trusting in the Lord. Pieter now works as a full time intern for the church, assisting Pastor Jacques in his ministry. 

Sunday, 20 November 2022
2 Timothy 2:14-19
Attachments: 0

In our day and age Christians and churches no longer see the need or importance of sound doctrine or biblically correct theology. Sound doctrine is often seen as boring or unloving or a hinderance to unity. In our passage for tonight, 2 Timothy 2:14-19, we see that Paul reminds Timothy about the importance of focusing and propagating correct doctrine while avoiding being involved with the spread or promotion of false theology.
